Montmin News : The "Fun" site...... (not the offical site of Montmin)
Montmin News was created to pass on information about future events.
To share photos of past events
It is a service to les Montminois (et amis de Montmin)
To give the people of Montmin a voice.
It is your site to use as your voice.
Montmin News is completely independent and receives no aid from the Mairie (or from anywhere actually)
Montmin News was created to pass on information about future events.
To share photos of past events
It is a service to les Montminois (et amis de Montmin)
To give the people of Montmin a voice.
It is your site to use as your voice.
Montmin News is completely independent and receives no aid from the Mairie (or from anywhere actually)
About Montmin News..... ..
Started as an email. ....
Three years ago an email was sent to a small group of Montminois to inform them of a Descente aux Flambeaux at the ski station in Montmin.
became a website
The ski season of 2012 / 2013 in Montmin was such a good year we wanted to share photos and videos with you..... so we created a website
We added information of associations, restaurants, services etc etc and we went "live" 1 Mai 2013. (Happy Birthday to me.....)
Who are "we"
"We" are : -
Judy - an Australian - (yes all the "fault d'orthographes" are hers !! ) web master, and
Catherine - who spends her time editing and correcting
With some help and photo contributions from various Montminois, like Genevieve, Flavienne, and you !!!
The Clubs & Association pages are primarily updated by a member of the Club or Association.
Filling the gap.... Where is "Le site officiel de Montmin"
The new Montmin Conseil was elected in march 2014, They came with energy and great plans to create a “site officiel” de Montmin and to send out officiel regular newsletters. This was great news to us. A pretty website was created (but unfortunately not updated regularly). And regular newsletters haven't happened either. So we, Montmin News continues to fill in where we can.
Now with the fusion with Talloires it is even more confusing and challenging for the Mairie to keep us informed. They are “super sur booker”
This is why we continue to pass on info where we can. Until they find their "place"
BUT remember, Montmin News is not the official site of Montmin. Our goal is “fun” "bien être" We are your "voice".
Don’t rely on us for formal information from the Mairie as we only pass on tid bits of information that we over hear,
We steal photos of documents etc. And, yes,....... sometimes we get it wrong !!!!
But it is our Birthday 1 Mai
Started as an email. ....
Three years ago an email was sent to a small group of Montminois to inform them of a Descente aux Flambeaux at the ski station in Montmin.
became a website
The ski season of 2012 / 2013 in Montmin was such a good year we wanted to share photos and videos with you..... so we created a website
We added information of associations, restaurants, services etc etc and we went "live" 1 Mai 2013. (Happy Birthday to me.....)
Who are "we"
"We" are : -
Judy - an Australian - (yes all the "fault d'orthographes" are hers !! ) web master, and
Catherine - who spends her time editing and correcting
With some help and photo contributions from various Montminois, like Genevieve, Flavienne, and you !!!
The Clubs & Association pages are primarily updated by a member of the Club or Association.
Filling the gap.... Where is "Le site officiel de Montmin"
The new Montmin Conseil was elected in march 2014, They came with energy and great plans to create a “site officiel” de Montmin and to send out officiel regular newsletters. This was great news to us. A pretty website was created (but unfortunately not updated regularly). And regular newsletters haven't happened either. So we, Montmin News continues to fill in where we can.
Now with the fusion with Talloires it is even more confusing and challenging for the Mairie to keep us informed. They are “super sur booker”
This is why we continue to pass on info where we can. Until they find their "place"
BUT remember, Montmin News is not the official site of Montmin. Our goal is “fun” "bien être" We are your "voice".
Don’t rely on us for formal information from the Mairie as we only pass on tid bits of information that we over hear,
We steal photos of documents etc. And, yes,....... sometimes we get it wrong !!!!
But it is our Birthday 1 Mai